Patient Recruitment Metrics: How to Measure Success

Patient recruitment is a critical component of successful clinical trial management. By recruiting the right patients, sponsors can increase their chances of success and achieve their clinical trial goals. However, measuring the success of patient recruitment can be challenging, especially for sponsors who are new to clinical trial management. In this article, we’ll explore some key patient recruitment metrics and provide some tips for sponsors on how to measure recruitment success.

Why Measure Patient Recruitment Metrics

Measuring patient recruitment metrics is essential for several reasons. First, it helps sponsors evaluate the effectiveness of their recruitment strategies and adjust their tactics as needed. Second, it helps sponsors identify and address any issues or challenges that may be affecting recruitment, such as low patient enrollment or high dropout rates. Finally, it helps sponsors track their progress and ensure that they are on track to achieve their recruitment goals.

Key Patient Recruitment Metrics

There are several key metrics that sponsors should track to measure the success of their patient recruitment efforts. These include:

  • Patient enrollment rate: The percentage of patients who enroll in the trial out of the total number of patients screened.
  • Screen failure rate: The percentage of patients who are screened but do not meet the trial’s inclusion criteria.
  • Dropout rate: The percentage of patients who withdraw from the trial before completing the study.
  • Time to enrollment: The time it takes to enroll a patient in the trial from the time of first contact.
  • Cost per enrolled patient: The total cost of recruitment divided by the number of patients enrolled in the trial.

Tips for Measuring Patient Recruitment Success

To measure patient recruitment success effectively, sponsors should:

  • Define clear and specific recruitment goals and metrics before the trial begins.
  • Monitor recruitment metrics regularly and make adjustments to recruitment strategies as needed.
  • Use recruitment analytics tools to track recruitment metrics and analyze recruitment trends.
  • Collaborate with study coordinators and healthcare providers to identify and address recruitment issues and challenges.
  • Share recruitment metrics and progress updates with key stakeholders, including trial investigators, regulatory agencies, and patient advocacy groups.


Patient recruitment is a critical component of successful clinical trial management, and measuring recruitment metrics is essential for evaluating recruitment effectiveness and ensuring recruitment success. By tracking key recruitment metrics, sponsors can identify and address recruitment issues, adjust recruitment strategies as needed, and ensure that they are on track to achieve their recruitment goals. To learn more about patient recruitment metrics and strategies for clinical trials, contact Recruit Qualified today and sign up for a trial.

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